Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Vincent Van Gogh

Switching gears to ART instead of architecture. I still love architecture, but I need a fun change.

Vincent Van Gogh is one of my favorite artists of all time. It's inconceivable that he was not recognized as a distinguished artist during his lifetime.

My two favorite aspects about this artist: his use of complementary colors and how he captures his emotions in each piece of artwork. Let's look at Church at Auvers. As you can see in the images below, Van Gogh makes a stone church look like a haunted mansion.

Was this Van Gogh's way of shunning the religion? Unbeknownst to most people, Vincent Van Gogh was extremely religious. His father was a religious figures. Van Gogh himself tried unsuccessfully to become a missionary but later gave up and returned to drawing and painting. He was influenced by both his father- a minister, and his uncle- an art broker.

In conclusion, Van Gogh's Church at Auvers is really showing that what Van Gogh lacked in preaching, he made up for in painting.

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